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New interview for DEADBANGER Fanzine (Sweden) - Jan. 2006

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Will - Noiseweb
Noise Maniac

Inscrit le: 16 Oct 2004
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MessagePosté le: Jeudi 19 Jan 2006, 20:41    Sujet du message: New interview for DEADBANGER Fanzine (Sweden) - Jan. 2006 Répondre en citant

Interview for Jeppe, from DEADBANGER Fanzine (Sweden)
January 2006

Hello! Since I don't know much about SCARVENGER, can you give me some information? (biography, discography etc.)
- Christophe (Vocals, guitars) : I formed SCARVENGER in October 2000 and played some shows, but I had a lot of problems with the line-up. After having stabilized the band in November 2004 with the arrivals of Mickael behind the drum kit, and Will as Bass player, we did some shows in 2005 and recorded the first official demo CD, a Split-Cd with my friends of Disgust. It was released on December 14th, you can get the informations and cover on our site…

When did you get interested of creating blasphemous music?
- Christophe : It’s been 15 years that I play of Death Metal, and it’s the music which I always wanted to play. It gathers all what I in general like in metal : power, technique, heaviness, melody, speed and the feeling of course.

Now you guys have just released a rehearsal-demo and a live promo, right?
Then i guess there's a so called "real" demo on it's way to conquer the world? Any future plans?

- Will (Bass guitar) : To answer to your 1st question, not really… This rehearsal demo was only a recording we did to us, a kind of master tape to work on it, to see what the new line up was able to play after only 3 months together… We recorded it in our rehearsal place with only a micro placed in the middle of our hall… It was not mixed, it’s really a little moment in the life of Scarvenger. I did a cover for it to present something on the site, but that’s all. It was never released and will not be ! But you can find on our site two mp3’s taken of these session. A sort of bonus for our fans…
You also spoke about a Live Promo. For this one, the story is very simple : this live was recorded in awful conditions, at the very beginning of the band and was sent on a tape to some webzines, to have their view on the music. I wasn’t in the band at this period, but I know the sound is shitty and this tape is now an old story.
As Christophe said before, we recorded our 1st real professional demo the last summer with our friends from DISGUST, an old excellent brutal death metal band from here too. 4 tracks are on the split CD, with a better sound quality ! This professional split CD demo was released here in France on December, the 14th. It can be bought on our site for 11 € !
- Christophe : The true plan for 2006 with this 1st demo is to get a record deal for the first album. It is the goal to reach this year, neither more, nor less Smile

What does "Scarvenger" mean? First I thought the name of the band was "scavenger" but then I discovered the "r" standing beside the "v"...
- Christophe : It’s personal actually. It expresses my passed problems, with all the shits I had and which I still have. I had internal wounds, morals actually : it’s the meaning of this word : "SCAR" (scar). All these shits didn’t kill me, and I always come back stronger to avenge in some words, not in a malicious way, but by the way of my music. That’s the meaning for "AVENGER" (the avenger). So, I associated these 2 words to form SCARVENGER with small modifications (he he).
- Will : The name “Scavenger” is used by an Irish band... Attention not to confuse the two bands... We are ScaRvenger !

Scarvenger music sounds more death metal than thrash metal tome, what's your definition of Scarvenger’s sound?
- Christophe : SCARVENGER is a true Old School Death Metal band, influenced by bands like DEATH, OBITUARY, PESTILENCE. I don’t seek a specified originality, but a real pleasure to play.
- Will : It’s true there are some thrash influences in SCARVENGER. We are true fans of this music, bands like Slayer, Anthrax, the old Metallica for example. Christophe learned to play his guitar at this period and I did too. It’s normal for us to incorporate this influence in our style. Christophe is very impressive when he begins to play some thrash tremolos ! He’s probably one of the greatest rhythm guitarists I know personnaly in this style… And I have to add that for the headbanging, nothing is better than thrash metal ! But we are definitely a Death Metal band !!! We live for this music for so much years now... !

When I listen to Scarvenger, I hear that there's some old heavy metal influences here and there. Have heavy metal been a great influence for Scarvenger?
- Christophe : ABSOLUTELY, well done ! I am a huge fan of Black Sabbath (Ozzy period), Black Label Society, Iron Maiden, King Diamond. When I compose, all is based on the feeling, and these bands abound in it. I need this feeling to create this fuckin’ metal (haha)
- Will : Yeah ! Up the Irons !!! And Metal up your ass !!! Nothing to add… lol…

What's your opinion about the French underground scene? Any favorite bands?
- Christophe
: The French bands I prefer are AGRESSOR and DISGUST. I move in a lot of concerts and the scene is interesting. But I don’t follow all this, Will is specialized in this domain, he will speak better than me.
- Will : The French underground scene is now more alive than ever for me ! But like in all the styles, there are some great bands and some shits to forget. You have to make a choice. I work on a Metal web magazine called Noiseweb (, here in France, one of the most important webzine in France, as writer, interviewer and photographer. By this way, I receive a ton of CD’s all year long for reviews and I have sometimes some good surprises ! We have some good bands here like OUTCAST (Death-thrash), YYRKOON (Brutal Death), SCARVE (Technical Death) and the black metal scene is very good to with bands like ANOREXIA NERVOSA or SETH for example. But GOJIRA is probably the most impressive band this year in France, it’s the first (modern) death metal band which entered in the charts in our country ! You can trust me if I say to you it’s incredible for us ! I hope this thing will open some gates to other good bands but I really doubt. France is not really a “rock n’ roll” country but fortunately, the underground scene is very active with a lot of good webzines, possessed concerts organisators who take sometimes some big personal financial risks to make our scene alive, etc… I want to add that an old band like LOUDBLAST still have a good fan base here in France, with a lot of people in their shows…
But for me, the best French underground band is of course SCARVENGER !!! Ha ha ha…

Has anyone in SCARVENGER got kids and started a "normal" life? Will you guys continue your future that way or will you always drink and thrash straight ahead?
- Christophe : Nobody has children in the band, or is not married. I would not marry in any event, but I would finally like to find an ideal female partner. We have a normal life of course, it is necessary to live. As a long time as passion will be there, we will play !
- Will : I lived during some years with a not-metal girl 2 times and it was finally Hell each times ! lol… We are true Metallers and for me, the ideal woman have to be in the same way of life than me. If not, it’s impossible ! We all have this kind of problems in Metal : a not-Metal girl can’t understand why we can play so much hours in a little rehearsal place this kind of violent music… For the “regular” people, we are some extra-terrestrials ! lol… Anyway, we all have a normal life in SCARVENGER ; we have to pay our bills ! Mickael works in a factory to make seats for cars, and for myself, I’m a teacher (History and Geography) in a high school. As you can see, we have a “normal” life during the week, but when the week-end is here, our goal is to play with our band and when we aren’t on the stage, we go to enjoy our music in concerts. For myself, I take a lot of pics in shows for my web magazine Noiseweb, I do a lot of interviews and it takes a lot of time too to run this webzine…
And to answer to your last question, yes, we love to drink some special Belgian beers ! But each thing at its time !!! lol…

How would you say SCARVENGER has changed from 2000 to 2005?
- Christophe: As I mentioned above, I had many problems to stabilize the line-up. If this would have been in the past, the demo would be already available since 2003. My past is behind me and I only concentrate on SCARVENGER 2006 ! We worked well together in 2005, with Will and Mick, all the objectives were achieved, it is very gratifying, and I hope that work will end up paying this year.

Have you done some gigs yet? Where? When?
- Christophe : All the past concerts are mentioned on our site (section Concerts).. Check’em out there, it’s easier !! Wink Our goal is to play more this year to promote again and again our new CD on stage ! We really enjoy the scene. We have now a good fan base here, some follow us even to each concert, it is too cool ! I really adore to play live and to see them moving their asses on our music and acting like maniacs. But in the same time, and it is very important : the crowd is there to support us, without them, we are nothing, no band ! It’s simple. Smile

Do you guys drink when you rehearse?
- Christophe : Personally , I never drink alcohol before playing, I warm up quite simply. Mick and Will drink 1 beer or 2, but they do the show correctly, it’s the main thing. But if one of them would arrive on stage drunk to ruin the show, then, they wouldn’t form any more part of the band, it’s very clear. The work you make in rehearsal has to be respected, and the people pay to see us on stage... I am very demanding as for this question of alcohol., after the show, you have all the time to drink with your friends and the fans, but not before, it is a question of principle and respect towards everyone.
- Will : I totally agree with that ! Sometimes, I saw musicians on stage totally drunk, playing like monkeys, and the only thing I thought at this moment was : pity !!! Fuck, I don’t pay a ticket to see musicians drunk on stage. So, in SCARVENGER, we have this respect for people who come to see us playing live. But to answer clearly to your question about our rehearsals, the answer is also very clear : we never drink when we rehearse. 1st, we rehearse after our jobs, and sometimes, we are very tired or stressed when we play. So, we have something else to do than drinking ! And 2nd, we have to drive our cars to come back home and we don’t want to lose our driving license for 2 or 3 beers ! But ok, after our shows, there’s always a big party, and sometimes, alcohol flow in our veins instead of blood… he he he…

Okay, thanx for the answers men! Scarvenger rules ! Say the last words of Hell until we finish this fucking interview!
- Christophe : You are the first guy out of France to which I give an interview, so I thank you very much for your support, it is cool. I hope to get new fans in Sweden via your fanzine and I hope to come there to play a day. All the Best !
- Will : Metal still remains an underground music and it’s good like that ! We don’t need all these fuckin’ pop-shit televisions or radios to exist, but guys like you are very important to support bands like SCARVENGER. Thank you for that and visit our site !
And I want to add that your country is a very important for extreme metal too : you have so much good bands there ! So for the fans, only one thing to add : Stay Brutal and Metal, and support your scene like maniacs !!!
And a happy fuckin’ Metal new year to all of you in Sweden !
METAL ‘TIL DEATH !!!!!!!!!
NOISEWEB 'zine -

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